Church Giving
There are a number of ways in which financial giving can happen at Harston Baptist Church. These are set out below in brief. If you would like to take up one of these schemes or change the way in which you currently give, please speak to our Treasurer, Nick Keen.
Sunday Offering
A general offering is taken during our Sunday Morning Services but it is very important to note that there is absolutely no requirement for anybody to give.
Mission Giving Sundays
Four times a year there is an offering collected at the Sunday morning service and the money supports a number of Missionary Societies and Charities such as SASRA, MAF, Tearfund, Christian Concern and Care. The four Mission Giving Sundays are shown on the Church calendar.
Standing Order
Standing Order is our preferred method of giving because it is the most efficient for yourself and HBC. Simply set up a standing order with your bank for the amount you wish to regularly give, specify the regularity and day on which the payment should be made and everything is arranged.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete a gift-aid declaration which means we can make your financial gift tax efficient (see below). Click here to download a Gift Aid form (online form).
Bank Transfer
You might be interested to know that you can make payments electronically from your bank account into the Harston Baptist Church bank account. The information you require to set this up online is:
Account Name: Harston Baptist Church
Account Number: 13685487
Sort Code: 09-01-53
Legacy - Remembering Harston Baptist Church In Your Will
Leaving a legacy is a truly fantastic way of providing financial help to Harston Baptist Church's mission and ministry.
Gift Aid
Whichever way you choose, we are extremely grateful - why not ensure you Gift Aid it?
If you are a UK taxpayer please click here to download a Gift Aid form (online form). By completing and returning this form, we can increase your financial gift by further 25% by reclaiming the tax from the Inland Revenue. This one declaration is effective for the whole time you are a UK taxpayer. If you stop paying tax you will need to notify us.